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Бикчантаевой Алии Рифкатовны

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Главная » Файлы » Дидактический материал для уроков ИЯ

Useful everyday expressions
[ Скачать с сервера (7.77 Mb) ] 12.11.2011, 09:39
This is a set of essential expressions that all beginning English students should learn.
Most of the expressions have physical gestures associated with them so they can be taught with action games and TPR (Total Physical Response) activities. 
I use the cards repeatedly every single class from the beginning until students can comfortable use the expressions in real contexts throughout each class.
You can start by saying the phrases and just have the children physically act out the gestures on the cards. Once they get more proficient move to games like charades or Pictionary (A game where students draw the expression and other students have to guess the English). 
In class, try to use these expressions repeatedly in real contexts. If students forget what to say, first cue them with the gesture. They can usually remember the English with a little help. 
If you are consistent and repetitively use these expressions in class, you will soon see your students having short English dialogues. These expressions are definitely the most valuable English beginning children can master. 
Категория: Дидактический материал для уроков ИЯ | Добавил: Alia
Просмотров: 1618 | Загрузок: 336 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0


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